Monday, August 30, 2010

Constitution in danger?

Based on what you know about the ongoing debate of the mosque being built on ground zero and the argument over immigration, what is this political cartoon trying to tell the reader? What amendments are currently being discussed/debated?


  1. in my proffesional opinion i believe that the political cartoon is trying to say that most amendments are not being included with immigrants or any other race that has inpacted the usa in a big way

  2. This political cartoon is trying to tell the reader that because of the competing rights and duties that one asserts, others are starting to lose their own rights. Especially with the building of the mosque, people are hostile towards Muslims in general. Therefore, many are not accepting of their religion, thus going against the first amendment. The first amendment is currently being debated upon, but according to the cartoon, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment have also been removed from the Bill of Rights. Removal of these Amendments basically makes people defenseless in court or in general.

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  4. The mosque that is going to be built near Ground Zero is a huge debacle rigth now. People in disagreement with it are, in a way, violating the 1st amendment of freedom of religion by not allowing them to build it without the argument. But in the other hand, it is also very disrespectful to build it near there after what happened in 9/11. Other amendments are also being disputed, like there were some amendments meant for all people born in the USA, but this whole immigration thing is messing it up because the government of whoever can amend the Constitution is changing it to benefit themselves, and not the immigrants. For that, somehow they are "cancelling" the amendments. The one being discussed right now is the right to be a citizen if born or natured in America, because the gov't is trying to cancel that to say that if the parents aren't born in the US, then their US born children are NOT citizens. I think it's just WRONG...

  5. Rosa - Which amendment is the immigration issue dealing with? Not to put you on the spot! :)

  6. So, which amendment has not been crossed out on the cartoon? Is that significant?

  7. The Only amendment left in this cartoon is the 2nd amendment which is the right to bear arms which in my point has nothing to do with this debate it is very significat because it shows ur right away that the other amendment are not being used correctly. The 1st amendement for example is the freedom of religion, the muslims are being discriminated against their rights to religion. Amedment 5-9 are the rights to court and law this amedments are also being violated & many more :)

  8. You people are dense. This cartoon is not freedoms or laws, it is only talking about the 2nd amendment. It is saying that people need to form a militia to combat this new terror. It is just another example of how America is becoming isolated towards other peoples beliefs. It has nothing to do with freedoms, the cartoonists point of view is to fight this mosque, but not with words and laws but with bricks and blood. For those that are keeping count this has already happened, it was called the crusades and that turn out like crap. This is supposed to be a building of worship and the only way that it is going to be built is with the bodies of the people trying to protect as mortar.

  9. In this polital cartoon i see that united states of america dont folow the constitution most of the states dont follow it. The admenments are being violeted all over the states in arizona california ney york and many more states. i see that 2nd admendment is the only one left therefore is obvious that everybody folows the 2nd admentment. Nobody disagrees with the 2nd admenment but the rest of them most of the people dislike the other admendments.


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