Sunday, November 28, 2010

Supreme Court Justice Stevens on 60 minutes

Watch the video from 60 minutes or click on the link HERE to watch the video.;contentBody

Which supreme court cases did he mention?
Which one was the most interesting to you?



1 comment:

  1. He mentioned the case about the treatment of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and how saying that the prisoners were not given correct representation. I am a man of fairness and chivalry but people that try to kill thousands of people to prove a point sickens me to the bone and that doesn’t make them human anymore therefore they don’t deserve to be treated like humans much less like animals. This case in particular caught my interest because if I was in that position I would not do the most humane thing has did Bush. This at least show that there are people in this world that still have a heart and are able to make rational decisions. This what people in America need as “justice”, a figure that will abide by his morals and never stray from them.


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